Asynchronous execution

By default all scripts are running asynchronously in the game, so in many cases triggering an action will not produce an immediate change.

Instead you should use one of the following functions in ksp::game to give the game a little time to catch up.


The yield() function is the most basic form ot “interruption”, it will pause the script for the shortest amount possible and wait for the next update loop of the game.

Essentially it is a sleep(0) (see below).


The sleep(seconds) function will pause the script for a given amount of seconds.

Due to the nature of the game loop this is just a rough estimate. If you need a precise amount of seconds passed for some calculation you should recheck the current_time().

Wait while/until

wait_while(condition) pauses the script while a given condition is true and correspondingly wait_until(condition) pauses while the condition is false (until it becomes true).

In both cases condition is a function that returns a boolean (fn() -> bool). So a sleep(12.34) could be also written as:

const ut = current_time()

wait_while(fn() -> current_time() - ut < 12.34)


const ut = current_time()

wait_until(fn() -> current_time() - ut >= 12.34)

Note that the condition is checked on every game loop, so it should be as simple as possible. Doing a complex calculation here can have a serious impact on the game.